
number of
technical manuals have been produced by Sabita, covering
the selection, handling and use of bituminous materials in a wide range
of applications.  These manuals are supplied at a nominal charge to
Sabita members. To the wider public, the manuals are available at a higher
cost to cover the printing, distribution and administration costs. Prices
are inclusive of VAT, but excludes handling and postage outside of the Republic
of South Africa.

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downloadable PDF version of the manual is available.
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Manual 1: Construction of bitumen rubber seals 

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Manual 2: Bituminous binders for road construction
and maintenance 

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Manual 5: Guidelines for the manufacture and construction
of hot-mix asphalt 

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Manual 7: SuperSurf – Economic warrants for surfacing

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Manual 8: Guidelines for the safe and responsible handling
of bituminous products 

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Manual 10: Bituminous surfacings for low volume
roads and temporary deviations 

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Manual 11: Labour enhanced construction for bituminous

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Manual 12: Methods for labour intensive construction
for bituminous surfacings 

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Manual 13: LAMBS – the design and use of large aggregate
mixes for bases 

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Manual 17: Porous asphalt mixes – design and use 

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Manual 18: Appropriate standards for the use of sand

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Manual 19: Guidelines for the design, manufacture and
construction of bitumen rubber asphalt wearing courses 

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Manual 20: Sealing of active cracks in road pavements 

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Manual 22: Hot-mix paving in adverse weather 

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Manual 23: Code of Practice – Loading bitumen at refineries 

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Manual 24: User guide for the design of hot mix asphalt 

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Manual 25: Code of Practice: Transportation,
off-loading and storage of bitumen and bituminous products 

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Manual 26: Interim guidelines for primes and stone
precoating fluids 

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Manual 27: Guideline for thin layer hot mix asphalt
wearing courses of residential streets. 

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Manual 28: Best practice for the design and construction
of slurry seals. 

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Manual 29: Guide to the safe handling of solvents in
a bituminous products laboratory 

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Manual 30: A guide to the selection of bituminous binders for road construction 

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Manual 31: Guidelines for calibrating a binder distributor
and ensuring satisfactory performance 

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Manual 32: Best practice guideline for warm mix asphalt 

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The use of modified binders in road


Bitumen stabilised materials


Asphalt reinforcement for road construction



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A free download is available from the link above.
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